Hatching of The Phoenix

Last weekend we were very privileged to be invited to the launch party of the latest kids comic to hit the news-stands, The Phoenix, at The Story Museum in Oxford.


It was an exciting day, not only was it the launch party but Issue one was due any moment and there was an eight-page oull-out in The Times to be had. Luckily for us, just minutes before we were to leave the postman arrived with Issue one, which was duly read in the car on the way.

We had a really lovely time in Oxford. It was great to meet many of the amazing writers, illustrators, creatives and Phoenix staff involved in the comic. Niamh had enormous fun gathering as many autographs as she could, and the delicious selection of cakes added to the delight of the afternoon – thank you so much for the invite!


The children really do like the The Phoenix, it is full of potential (and fabulous stories) and we wish it every success for the future. 

You can read more about The Phoenix launch party here.



It’s all very well us ‘oldies’ wanting a return to the traditional comics of our childhoods… BBB has been busy over the past couple of months asking children for their views on comics and magazines. We have an enormous pile of questionnaires to get through and we hope to publish the childrens’ thoughts in the coming weeks.

Bring back Bunty


I have a thing about childrens’ comics…

My daughter loves to read, we spend a small fortune on books and always have a pile of them borrowed from the local library – thanks goodness for libraries! When she was younger we also regularly bought comics.

Now she’s nine we cannot find a comic to suit her. She is an ‘average’ girl, who enjoys stories and most things that nine years olds do. She is not into the latest pop-star fad, is not too concerned about fashion and is not overly fond of horses, animals or bugs – which is what the majority of comics for her age are filled with. She does love ‘The Beano’, but finds it slightly masculine and refuses to buy it when it comes with a “boy-ey” (her words) free gift – which is often.

When I was a gal… We had Bunty. Now I’m not a massive Bunty fan, but I had it for years, and what I loved about it was the stories. It was jam-packed with them, and they were varied and exciting (if a little Enid Blyton at times, but this was the 70’s after all). A comic full of stories, like Bunty, would be perfect. I know she would adore it and buy it every week.

Calling all publishers, I see a gap in the market, please fill it before my daughter is too old!


Mumsnet discussion here: